taxi from Zanzibar airport to fumba, taxi to fumba, taxi from fumba to stone town, taxi price from Zanzibar airport to fumba
If you need to book a taxi from Zanzibar airport to Fumba, we can help. The booking for your taxi to Fumba can be carried out as easily as can be right here on our website. You will be able to check availability by entering the date and time when you need the taxi to Fumba. You will also be provided with different vehicles to choose from depending on your needs and the number of passengers. The taxi price from Zanzibar airport to Fumba will also be shown so that you will know upfront how much it will cost you.
The average price of a taxi from Zanzibar airport to Fumba is between $25 and $30 only. This is way cheaper than what other service providers will charge you, especially if you request a taxi at the airport. When you book with us you will not only pay a much cheaper rate, but you will also be availing yourself of a punctual and reliable service.
Our taxi drivers are all very helpful and they do their best to be there on time so as not to keep you waiting unnecessarily. Moreover all our vehicles are maintained in very good condition and as clean as possible as we believe our passengers deserve the best.
Fumba village is a quaint place, where you will not find many resorts. However the village is very popular particularly for the Safari Blue Trip which is a sea safari that will enable you to enjoy a memorable sea adventure which will comprise an assortment of activities such as swimming, snorkelling and even fishing. With a taxi to Fumba you will also get to enjoy the Kwale Fishing Island, and we suggest you also book a taxi from Fumba to Stone Island as it is within close proximity and there is a lot to see there too.
For the best taxi price from Zanzibar airport to Fumba, you need look no further – contact us or book here!