Taxi from Zanzibar airport to kendwa
Are you looking for online taxi booking to pick you from Zanzibar airport to Kendwa? You are at the best place.
We actually get bookings from the travelers who are not arrived in Zanzibar yet and they need transfer from the airport to their Kendwa beach hotel, or some travelers who have arrived in Zanzibar and they need to get to Kendwa beach from different locations like Nungwi, Stone Town, Paje etc.
We have professional and registered drivers to drive you from the Airport to Kendwea for your holiday trip to Zanzibar. We pick up on time, no waiting charge at the airport, Free cancellation.
About Kendwa
Kendwa is a village on the Tanzanian Unguja island, part of Zanzibar. It is placed in the far north of the island, on the west coast overlooking the nearby little Daloni island and the bigger and more distant Tumbatu island.
Kendwa beach is a long stretch of sand extending down the west coast approximately 3km south of the tip of Zanzibar island. Not surprisingly, this idyllic place means a strong of hotels, resorts, and guesthouses, but there is still lots of area on the beach. Other attractions contain a range of water-based activities, and favourable tidal patterns that make sure swimming at all hours.
So if you are looking for an affordable but best taxi from Zanzibar airport to kendwa you look no further for sure.
How much a taxi from Zanzibar airport to Kendwa
The price for a taxi from Zanzibar airport to Kendwa is calculate depending on the number of date, passengers, and pick-up time. The price quoted above are the standard charges for each accessible service. Please pick the time and date and click new quote to get the right cost.
Is the taxi from Zanzibar airport to Kendwa affordable than Uber?
The rates offered by Uber are not fixed. So, it is hard to know actually how much you will pay with a Uber ride, as the end cost can be affected by traffic and other factors. Our prices for a taxi from Zanzibar airport to Kendwa are fully fixed and completely inclusive, so you know what you will pay.
Can I pay directly to the taxi driver?
Different suppliers offer transfers from Zanzibar Airport to Kendwa. Not all suppliers accept cash payment. Payment options will present at the next step of the booking process.