if you are looking for the taxi price from nungwi to matemwe you're in the right place, the distnce from nungwi to matemwe is 17 kilimeters,
Nungwi to matemwe
Nungwi to Matemwe transfers
Relax and reliable transfers from Nungwi to Matemwe at affordable and fixed rates. Our prices contain a licensed vehicle and driver, taxes and toll charges, luggage and extras such as ski equipment and child seats, waiting time and flight monitoring, private tours, van transfers, hire by the hour, mini bus and private coach transfers for big groups accessible on request.
Which way is fastest from Nungwi to Matemwe?
The fastest way to get from Nungwi to Matemwe is to taxi. Taxi price from Nungwi to Matemwe costs $9 - $12 and takes 35 min.
What is the travel distance from Matemwe to Nungwi?
The distance from nungwi to matemwe is 17 km. The road distance is 26.2 km.
Advantages of using a Zanzibar transportation service
Hiring a transfer service can extremely decrease the level of worry and anxiety which is generally experience while travelling to a foreign place. Landing at the Zanzibar airport and pick a taxi at an unknown place can be an issue for many reasons, such as the deficiency of knowledge about the new place, being more charged by the locals, using an unfamiliar car and many issues. By hiring a Zanzibar airport transportation service, you are almost promised have a perfect ride due to less worry and more relax and security reasons.
Reliability and security
Taking public transportation service raises the danger of losing vital things such as passports, bags, Smartphone etc. Such an incident can damage your full trip and this is why it is best that you should hire this service.
This can make sure that your luggage is safe in the transport vehicle and can put your mind at relaxation when it comes to your luggage. In foreign place taking public transportation can raise the level of worry you experience as you will be surrounded by unknown persons which also raises the risk of thefts. A client can get the choice to pick the vehicle that corresponds with their traveling needs.
Comfortable experience
Navigating through unknown streets can be a worrying experience and many may hesitate about getting a cab upon arrival.
Anyway, you will definitely get an excellent and professional traveling experience when you book a Nungwi to matemwe transfer service beforehand.
These services hire expert and professional driers who are capable of building right relationships with their passenger making them relax during their trip.
Another benefit of hiring such services is their knowledge of domestic visitor attractions which you can view on your way to your place.
Location | Saloon | Minivan |
Taxi from nungwi to matemwe | $40 | $45 |
Taxi from nungwi to matemwe beach | $40 | $45 |
Taxi from nungwi to matemwe muyuni | $30 | $35 |